Owners, Groups and Permissions

File ownership is a prime component for Linux to provide a secure method to maintain files in a file system. Every file in Linux has the following attributes:

* Owner permissions

* Group permissions

* Other (World) permissions

The owner’s permission is granted to the current owner of a file or directory.
The group’s permission is granted to a set of users, who is a member of the group that a file belongs to and can perform on the file. The other’s permission is granted to all users.
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Linux Basics

Operating System:

It is a software program designed to act as an interface between a user
and the computer. It controls the hardware, manages the system resources
and supervises interaction between the system and its users.

Functions of Linux:

i) Command Interpreter:

The operating system interprets the command i.e. input instruction
by the
user and translates its to the machine language. Similarly, it also
the result of a command i.e. output from the machine to the language,
which the
user understands. This is known as command interpretation.
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